Wednesday, September 15, 2004

90 years old!!

no not me, though I do feel it this week! I just took delivery of this baby which I won on ebay last week...for the grand sum of 99p!!
She is in need of a little TLC but so far everything that should move does move (and a few things that shouldn't move , do!) I've been suffering sewing machine envy this week as so many of my sewing friends have been getting various new machines! so this one goes a little way to help!! she was made in the Singer Clydebank factory in 1914 and I wish she could talk! I imagine all sorts have been sewn on her. the original (tiny!) manual is still with the machine! but it's soaked in oil!! Fascinating though:-)

Ah well.. off to sew more stuff to sell so I can treat me to a shiny new embroidery machine!!

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Pink cord & hippy print bag Posted by Hello
I sold this one this weekend in my other guise as a bag lady! (website very much under construction!) I think it's rather groovy - it's very theraputic making them (well any kind of sewing..) I was feeling very stressed when I sat down to get that done the other day - I do find it hard to balance sewing to sell and sewing to wear though, there just aren't enough hours in the day!!

and here it is...

Ribbing T shirt with cord PRR sleeves
not a terribly good picture ... was in a tearing hurry yesterday!
The body is natural ribbing machine dyed with CW dye (Riviera Blue) and the cord dyed the same -except that that had already been dyed & stripped once -so started a pale peach colour (not terribly boyish!!) Top stitching is in burnt orange Guterman

How to bore the pants off people.. (and then sew more!)

Instead of ( as well as?!) displaying my sewing projects on a plain jane website I thought I'd ramble on here about the hows & whys... If you're here I guess you're either interminably nosey or you're a fellow sewing list compatriot so you'll know what I'm wittering on about..
naturally I'm sure some other stuff will creep in, sometimes life just gets in the way ;-)

It's Sunday afternoon, it's P -ing downing with rain and we're reaching the end of a disgustingly busy weekend... mainly involving being a taxi service to the children. I did manage to sew a t shirt yesterday so that DD2 could give it to a friend for his birthday... no feedback as yet. There shoudl be a picture nearabouts;-)