Every year I get to October and wonder what on earth happened! This one is no exception, and more so, for reason shown above! Last post was just after Valentines day for heaven's sake and here it is almost our wedding anniversary! ( Oct 21st in case you're interested! 10 years this year)
Baby number 4 was born in July (and there, you were just thinking I was a bit fat in that New year photo! own up;-) ) He's 9 weeks old today and oddly I've sewn more since he was born that I have all year -not all for him either.
It's all in fits & starts though at the moment, often with him in a sling, and I haven't mastered NAS (Nursing at the serger) and probaby won't!
My biggest goal at the moment is to tidy up my sewingroom, honestly you wouldn't believe the mess! and to get stuck in on my tracing & sewing list - we all need new stuff having variously grown shrunk, changed shape or been born recently.
DH showed an astounding lack of faith ( or should that be astounding astuteness) by visiting Marks and Spencer one lunchtime .... I keep threatening to make him some jeans, he just goes shopping...wise man. Right,I'm off to change a certain young man's nappy and then I'll do some picture updating here.